Mold claims
TJM Consulting, LLC

Mold claims can be very costly and may or may not be covered by insurance. The general rule is mold must occur incident to a known peril. For example, a tub overflow occurs and spills water through the house causing mold to grow. Should mold grow without being related to a known peril it will not be covered. In the instance where you discover mold contact us immediately to review
your policy and determine if you have coverage. Most insurance companies today limit coverage to a certain amount. Whether you have coverage or not we can guide you in next steps to ensure that you and your family are protected from ailments associated with mold. We will recommend a remediation company that will address the problem properly.
In the case where you do have coverage we will first and foremost obtain the services of a reputable mold remediation company and begin addressing the problem to ensure that policy requirements are met. This will protect the claim and ensure the insurance company will provide the required coverage.
TJM Consulting, LLC will handle every aspect of your mold claim including getting the necessary contractors to stop the problem ensuring your property against further damage and loss. Making sure you get an advance from your insurance company if necessary and most importantly insuring policy requirements are met. Here is what TJM Consulting will do:
Full analysis of your insurance policy and the type of coverage you have (replacement cost or actual cash value coverage). What is covered and what are the exclusions and limitations.
Make sure all policy requirements are met. You are required to make sure further damage is not encountered by the peril. Provide necessary contractors, remediation company, plumbers, electricians, etc. to make sure your property is safe and meeting policy requirements.
We conduct a complete scope of building damage and provide a complete detailed estimate to restore the building.
We conduct a complete review of financial data to identify any financial loss that is covered by your insurance policy if this is a business.
We conduct a complete estimate of damaged and lost assets and determine how much is covered by insurance.
We report your claim and followup with company adjusters, in writing, orally, and through various site visits and meetings.
We meet with insurance company adjusters to identify and document the scope of damages both physical and financial.
We prepare a complete detailed report identifying the full scope of your loss and present to your insurance company.
We will request advances on your coverage to absorb costs encountered while getting your building in order.
We will negotiate a final settlement of your claim and only accept it upon your approval.
The insurance process on mold claims can be cumbersome and difficult to navigate. We will expediently process your claim and make sure payment is received quickly. We will make sure that your loss is fully identified to make sure you get every dollar you are entitled too. A public adjuster can make all the difference in restoring your building and assets in a timely fashion and returning your life back to normal as soon as possible.
Public Adjusters
88 Peppergrass Drive South
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
214 19th Street South
Brigantine, NJ 08203
Tel (855)-767-2524
Cell (856)-229-4633
Fax (800)-970-8471